your personal life.


A. Choose a goal

We recommend that you choose ONE area where you want the results to be different than they are today. (you can choose others later. But now, really focus on one. And for those of you who are like me and think they can do 3 at a time. No. One.)

Here are some suggestions

1. Eating healthfully

2. Relationships – pick one

3. Romance

4. Specific business goal

5. Specific career goal

6. Losing weight

7. Exercising

B. Make it specific and measurable

Eating healthfully is a great goal, But how will you know if you’ve achieved it? Give it a specific, measurable frame. I will eat 3 meals a day and focus on eating the nutrients I need, for example. What is the time frame for this? Are you planning on doing everything tomorrow? In two weeks? If you are going to change your eating habits – something you want to last forever – then, for example, you can create a goal for a one-month eating plan in which you eat no more than X amount of processed food (significantly less than your regular) – or X amount of sugar over that time period. Make sure that you can measure it, you know how long it is – and you know if you succeeded. When the time period is over, you can create your next goal.

C. Make it something you can actually do.

I am not suggesting even for a minute that you shouldn’t aim high and out of your comfort zone. Absolutely, you should. But if your goal is something that you simply do not believe will happen, then there is a good chance you are setting yourself up to fail. Choose something you do believe can happen. And when it does, it will help exercise your muscle to believe that the next bigger thing can happen. This is an important one because if you keep on setting up goals that your inner mind is consistently telling you will not happen, you will lose faith in yourself and in your ability to transform your own life. D

D. Talk about what YES and not about what NO.

You want to go on a diet? Don’t concentrate on what you can’t eat, concentrate on what you can eat. What is good for you to eat. Get excited about all this goodness like delicious sautéed spinach and kale chips. Dream up things you really love like homemade spelt crackers with sumptuous seeds. Every time chocolate pops into mind – splurge on some natural chocolate which is actually good for you and munch on a medjoul date. This is true for any goal you choose. I want to create X project and not – I want to stop procrastinating.

E. Have fun – connect to your Why

What is your reason for wanting to do this?

What makes you excited about this? Write it down and plaster it on your walls. Keep this uppermost in your mind!

F. WATCH YOUR WORDS – inside your head and what comes out of your mouth.

We genuinely kick ourselves in the foot with our addiction to talking trash. “Can you believe I went a whole hour without chocolate?” is code for – this is not going to last much longer. “I can’t believe the traffic – I spent the whole day in the car – so damn frustrating!” is an excuse why you didn’t do what you intended. And brings your energy down. “I am loving eating healthier food – I feel great!” is probably just as true, as is “I spent a long time in the car – at least I had time to get my thoughts together on this project and I am much more prepared.” Train yourself to seek out what is true about this – and say these things. This does not mean we are never annoyed by things or never get angry. OF COURSE WE DO! But even when we get angry – and genuinely terrible things are happening – a child is sick, we missed the biggest game of our career because of a stupid accident, try and keep a place in your mind for the thought that maybe there is some bigger plan here and this apparent thing that seems awful can be for the good. And yes, there are most definitely situations where this belief is genuinely challenged – and I don’t have good answers for certain gut wrenching pains. But I choose the faith that out there, there is an answer I just don’t understand yet.

G. Give your word.

Give your word that you will talk the talk. That you will be the change you want to see around you. talk the talk. 

Share your experience

Chat with like-minded people on our forums. You can meet people with similar goals to your own or get encouragement from people who are focusing on totally different issues. The choice is yours! Sharing your challenges with others goes a long way in keeping you on track. And trying to change the way you think about something is so complex that the community can be a lifesaver.

H. Join our Challenge!

Look out for the next New Words Challenge – for free!  We offer the challenge three times a year. Be part of a committed group and benefit from a dedicated program that will help you manage your mind and achieve your goal. Sign up today and we will notify you when the next challenge opens!

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