Terms Of Use

The only rule: only positive.

This site is for everyone, regardless of point of view, political affiliation, religion or belief.
The only rule: only positive.

The fine print – for those who “are not sure what that means”.
This means that your vision can not denigrate any other person (living or dead), living thing or the planet.

Not everyone has the same definition of positive, but if we keep the above rule in mind, we should all be ok. I will explain with an example. Let’s say a person who believes in white supremacy (see how I didn’t give that person a name but referred to it as a belief, something that can be changed perhaps?) They cannot write anything about what should happen with others – but are encouraged to craft a goal that expresses what they do want. For example: My goal is to create an excellent school where my child will get the best education. But saying: My goal is a school where only white people attend is not permitted as this talks about others.

Honestly – we all know what is positive and what is not. A vision where “everyone shoots each other for fun” is not in the spirit of this site, even if you find shooting exceptionally fun and positive. We don’t really need to tell you that it’s not funny, not acceptable and clearly betrays the rule of speaking of other people. And if you made the mistake and think it is, your post will be deleted. If your posts suggest that you don’t really want to be a member of this group – you will be removed.

Talk to us.

Drop us an email with ideas/comments/thoughts/suggestions – or something you would like to add to the blog!


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